Making beer is like programming with design patterns.I think the main concern is that people often have a tendency to abuse design patterns. They learn a few, see the usefulness of them, and without realizing it turn those few patterns into a kind of golden hammer which they then apply to everything.

The key isn't necessarily to learn the patterns themselves. The key is to learn to identify the scenarios and problems which the patterns are meant to address.

Then applying the pattern is simply a matter of using the right tool for the job. It's the job that must be identified and understood before the tool can be chosen.

And sometimes it's an odd setup and there is no cut-and-dry pattern to solve it right out of the box. At that point more attention needs to be given to the problem rather than the solution. Break it up into component problems, identify areas of the problem which share common traits with problems addressed by known patterns, adjust the patterns to fit the problem, etc.

A design pattern works best when it is used as a common language in your team.

By that I mean, you can say something like "this class is a Singleton that implements our IWidgetAbstract Factory" and everyone in your team understands what that means without having to go into detailed explanations.

Where Design Patterns fail is when the team doesn't understand them, or when they are overused so much that they stop making the design clearer and instead make it harder to understand what is really going on.

Design Principles To Use First

KISS (an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid")
Do this first, patterns later, maybe much later. A pattern is a state of mind, mostly. Don't ever try to force your code into a specific pattern, rather notice which patterns start to crystallize out of your code and help them along a bit.

DRY (is an acronym for Don’t Repeat Yourself)
This is a principle of software development, aimed at reducing repetition of information of all kinds, especially useful in multi-tier architectures. The DRY principle is stated as “Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.” When the DRY principle is applied successfully, a modification of any single element of a system does not require a change in other logically unrelated elements.

Start simple not complex
How does this happen? Usually you program in extra functionality that you anticipate will be used or prove to be useful later. But what happens if this need never materializes? In most cases, the cruft gets left there. It doesn’t get removed. So the software system continues to grow in size and complexity with all these features that aren’t ever being used.

Be wary of the signs
This is perhaps different for everyone but I suspect in most cases, it isn’t really a conscious effort. But rather, it is something brought about by the fear of being stuck with an awkward, inelegant, inappropriate or simply put, bad design; being stuck with something that just isn’t flexible enough. Ironically, if you get to the point of over engineering or over applying patterns you are right back where you started.

Software design patterns appeal to programmers or developers because they allow them to naturally express and create beautiful architectures. It's a part of enjoying creative programming.

Consider refactoring to a pattern rather than starting from one
What might be a good way to avoid this design pattern abuse? Consider refactoring to a pattern rather than starting from one. Don’t start out trying to force a pattern into your design. Chances are your design could be much simpler without it. If you do find at a later stage that your design truly could benefit from a structured pattern, then refractor to allow for it. When you design, solve the problem in the simplest way possible. Simple light weight software is always a good thing. There are better ways of avoiding the under-engineered alternative where you get stuck with a design or solution that just isn’t flexible enough or doesn’t suit the problem.


To be clear, I think Design Patterns have their place. When used properly, they can make our lives easier and our code better. When they're misused then they can become the bane of our existence. Unfortunately, some Design Patterns seem more susceptible to this than others.

Depending on the situation, and the problem at hand, different patterns can help you write robust, secure and understandable code. Just be careful using them – if you catch yourself using the MVC pattern for a 1-pager, step away from the computer!


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